
Can a positive person test negative again?

Can a positive person test negative again?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. HIV tests look for antibodies.

Antibodies are what the body makes in response to HIV.

These antibodies remain in the body and do not leave over time.

This means that an HIV test will remain positive once you have tested as such.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Stacy, are these shots the injectable ART? and have you been told what your viral load has been recently? and do you know what your viral load was prior to starting these shots?

    Unfortunately HIV treatment does not stop HIV tests from testing positive. HIV medication is used to suppress your viral load and this can become undetectable. However using an HIV test to check your status, these will look for antibodies that even when on treatment will remain positive.

  2. Stacyfields

    If I’ve been taking 2 shots every other month will I still show possitive on a test

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Dito, I am sorry that I don’t understand the background to the text. Was this just a random message you recievied? Or were you expecting to get a message because you have just taken a test?

    Either way, it sounds a good idea to go to your local clinic so they can run a routine check up and give you advice.

  4. Dito

    Please sir. i was texted and the text confirmed that have hiv how do i go about it

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi City boy, please suggest your friend goes to a clinic where they use 4th generation HV tests and when results are confirmed by a test at a lab. This link has more info.
    Please note we are not doctors here.

  6. City boy

    Hi Dr, My friend was tested positive. Then he was asked to run another tested same day and time it’s came out Negative, then he run the third one same Negative. What does that mean?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Faad, have you now started HIV treatment and do you know your current CD4 count and viral load?

    More information about starting treatment can be found here:

  8. Faad

    Hi help me to now how to treat hiv positive

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, an inconclusive test means that a second test is required to confirm your result as the first test was unable to provide an accurate result.

  10. John

    My results was inconclusive what does it mean?