Q and A


What are the treatment guidelines for HIV-2 Infection?

What are the treatment guidelines for HIV Type 2 Infection?


HIV-2 is a different virus than HIV-1. A fact sheet with more information is at this US government web link.

Generally HIV-2 is less easy to catch (or transmit) and it is damages your immune system more slowly compared to HIV-1.

I don’t know of any treatment guidelines, though I think BHIVA are looking to produce some. (NOTE: BHIVA guidelines on HIV-2 published in 2010 are at this link).

When to start treatment is similar – usually while your CD4 count is between 200-350 cells/mm3.

One major difference is that although most HIV drugs will work, some important drugs do not. NNRTIs (efavirenz/Sustiva and nevirapine/Viramune) do not work against HIV.
A summary of management of HIV-2 is included at this link.

A French study looking at risks for HIV-2 progressing was published in the AIDS in 2003 and the full text is now available online.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Alice

    Hopefully, because you have HIV-2, this may mean HIV progresses more slowly.

    Although current UK guidelines recommend starting treatment before CD4 cells drop below 200, the next update is likely to recommend starting a bit earlier – perhaps before the CD4 count falls below 300 or 350.

    Until then, your doctor is giving you good advice by saying it is fine to continue to monitor your results, but at some point in the future you are likely to need to start treatment.

    If the skin problems continue, or you get any other symptoms, then starting HIV treatment a bit earlier is also fine.

  2. Alice

    My CD4 is 330 and viral Load is 10,000. I still feel strong. I only had a skinrash problem for which the doctor gave me general medical cream from the pharmarcist. The doctor said there is no need for treatment yet. Is there anything to worry about at this time?


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