I was late with my Tb prevention medication…
5 May 2023. Related: All topics, Opportunistic infections.
I’ve been taking ART for 2 months.
My doctor also gave me isoniazied and rifapentine for Tuberculosis prevention which I take every Thursday at 7 P.M.
But yesterday I forgot to take it, and I realised on Friday 11 am. I took it once I realised. It was my 9th week taking the TB medicine.
Will it be a problem if I was late 16 hours taking my TB medicine?
How do we know if the Tuberculosis prevention treatment is working well?
Thank you
Hi, how are you doing?
As you are already on established Tb treatment, being late by 16 hours on this single dose is not going to risk the treatment not working.
As you took it as soon as you realised, this only being the next morning, it will still be effective.
The only way to know that the treatment is working well is that you do not get Tb and continue to test negative.
Hello Anele and thanks for getting in touch.
You are right, it is very important for him to continue taking the medication but also the nausea and vomiting make it very difficult.
Please ask your brother to speak with his doctor as they are able to prescribe anti-sickness tablets for him which will help.
In the meantime consider having small and often meals of food he likes, as much as he can tolerate it.
Thank a look here for more information:
Hi please help me: my brother has TB and he failed on his medication. So now he has started them again but he has nausea, vomits and has stomach cramps
Hi Shinn, these are questions for your doctor. Please try to take all your TB meds from now on.
Thank you very much for the information. I am having itchy and tight throat right now. Is that a sign of my TB coming back because I forgot to take medication? I also accidentally ate spoiled prawn this morning so I don’t know the symptoms are from TB or allergy reaction. Please help me.
Hello Shinn,
no the TB bacteria would not be causing such symptoms
Please seek help from a healthcare professional or A&E department if you are unwell
Thank you for the information. But I am having sore throat and tightness around my throat. Is that signs of me redeveloping TB? I also accidentally ate spoiled shrimp in this morning so I don’t know the sore throat is the symptom for allergy or TB anymore. Is it possible for TB bacteria to develop resistance just because I didn’t take a medication for one day?
Hello Shinn and thanks for getting in touch.
Please don’t worry – forgetting your medication once will not affect your treatment or your health.
If however this happens often your medication might stop working.
It might help you remember if you use some of the following tricks:
1. an alarm can remind you it’s time to take your tablets
2. a pill box – you will know if you had your medication on the specific day and you can take it as soon as you check
3. taking medication at a specific time of day or connected with a specific activity (for example after you brush your teeth)
Here is some more information :