Q and A


Can I breastfeed by baby after formula?

Am suppressed from HIV and I have a one week baby, she’s on formula. So is it possible for me to breastfeed her or am gonna put her in danger?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Yes you can switch to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the first-choice recommendation.

As you have a suppressed viral load and on treatment, the risk to baby is very small. Is baby on their own medication? This will further reduce the risk of transmission and make breastfeeding very safe.

Breastfeeding is recommended even when HIV positive because of the benefits of breastmilk over formula feeding.

However, if you intend to mix feed e.g., switch between breastfeeding and formula feeding, this is not recommended. Switching between the two regularly can increase the risk of transmission. Switching once from formula to breast is not a significant risk.



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