Q and A


Do antiseptic wipes kill HIV if you got blood on your hands?


Thank you for your question.

There is no risk of HIV transmission just from having blood on your hands – unless you have open cuts or sores.

For more information about other ways that you don’t get HIV please follow this link and go to the bottom of the page


  1. Charlotte Walker

    It depends on the context. If you rub antiseptic on to the vagina directly it will not sterilise the vaginal fluid and will damage the ‘good bacteria’ that are present. If you get vaginal fluid on your fingers then maybe it would help but it depends on many different factors. Rubbing antiseptic on a penis which has been in contact with vaginal fluid is also not a good idea.

  2. Francis

    If you rub an anticeptic like dettol on vaginal fluid can it kill HIV?