
Will my treatment be less effective after getting wet?

Hello, HIV i-base!
I use a small bottle with a cap to carry my daily dose of Dovato. Somehow, I accidentally got the bottle a bit wet inside. As a result the pill got stuck on its wall. I managed to get the pill out and wiped it with a dry napkin, but the outer surface looks a bit smudged/dissolved. I’ve been taking my medication 6 months straight without missing a dose. Considering that and how pricy the pills are, I did not throw the tablet away and decided to actually take it like nothing ever happend. Is that the right thing to do? Should I expect the pill to not be as effective as it should since it got wet?
Please advice!
Thanks in advance!


Hi, how are you doing?

Is it only the one pill that has gotten wet or was it the entire bottle?

If this was just the one pill, it is still going to be effective. Even if some of it had dissolved, only one pill being wet with a little less active drug is not going to risk your treatment.

This pill is still going to work.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nontsikeleo, it is advised to keep medication dry. Water can cause the medication to dissolve which in turn leads to reduced effectiveness. If you think your medication has got wet/llos different, it is advised to dispose of the treatment and use new PrEP.

  2. nontsikelelo

    how much water or moisture can damage prep pills

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Douglas, did they get wet? If the tablet is okay and not damaged it will still be okay to take.

  4. Douglas

    Wat if my arv falls in floor maybe three of them wat must I do it’s risk to drink it


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