I took my morning medication at night…
12 June 2023. Related: Adherence, All topics.
What happens if you take your morning medication at night instead of your sleeping medication?
Hi, how are you doing?
What is the name of the medication you are taking? Is this HIV medication?
Taking your medication at the wrong time is unlikely to cause any problems and is a common mistake.
You can continue taking your medication at the normal time. You should not skip your next morning dose.
Hello Kat and thanks for getting in touch.
If you are asking about your ARVs, this is ok
If you are asking about your Addison’s medication I am afraid I don’t know what they are or how you are supposed to take them.
Please speak to a healthcare professional if you have questions about your Addison’s tablets.
Hi, I accidentally took my 9pm pills at 3pm and had to take my 3pm half pill at 9pm as to not double dose, this was today; 12/21/2024. I have Addisons Disease and am very diligent about correctly taking my medications. I’m simply wondering if this one-time mistake is okay and that I can return to my usual schedule tomorrow; 12/22/2024. Thanks.
Hi Geremy, please don’t worry. This will not be a problem one time. Just carry on now at the normal time.
Hi I made a mistake. I took my high blood tablet at night.
Hi David, the UK NHS website says to take it at roughly the same time each day but that this can be any time:'ll%20usually%20take%20candesartan,with%20a%20drink%20of%20water
This means you can just try this to see if it helps.
It might just mean getting up more during the night to use the bathroom, but try it.
Hi I take 16 mg of candesartan in the morning every day but it makes me wee a lot through the day, would it help if I started to take this medication at night before I go to bed?
Hi Zx, it is easy to take PEP whenever is easier for you. Pls see this link for more PEP info:
Hi im also taking truvada as PEP and its my new regimen as I have been switched to take regimens and my usual time to take the medication is at 7:40PM in the evening, can I take it at the morning afterwards as my healthcare provide said it for me to monitor its side effects? Also is it safe to take at night?
Hi Ds, yes you can. You can do what you have described. It is safe and effective to move the time of treatment how you have described.
Hi, im taking Truvada as PEP as prescribed. I am currently taking it at 11.30am and wish to change it to 9am. Can i just take it 2 hours earlier and then take it at 9am daily?