Can I start Paxlovid in the evening?
7 July 2023. Related: Adherence, All topics.
Just got my prescription for Paxlovid. Should I just take the evening one today and then continue with a full dose until I finish it all. Thanks!
Hi, how are you doing?
Are you HIV positive as this service is only for people living with HIV.
If yes, then you have the right info.
Start with the evening dose today and then continue as normal.
This means that you will finish on a morning dose and it is okay to do this.
Hi Maria, Paxlovid should be taken at 12 hour intervals.
What ever time you have taken your dose in the PM, you can then take the morning dose at the same time in the AM.
Taking my first dose in the evening right now. What time can I take the morning dose?
Hi Cecilia, how is it making you feel? and how did you feel the next day?
Paxlovid can cause side effects, some worse than others. These will go away after the course of treatment (5 days). Do you know why you have been prescribed Paxlovid?
If the side effects are unbearable/they are impacting your life please speak with your doctor phamarcist. They can recommend if it is the best decision to stop treatment early or if they are able to manage the side effects with another treatment.
I took this medicine at 8 pm only 3 pills. Don’t like the way I feel I want to stop taking it is it okay
Hi Heather, most drugs advise to talk as soon as you remember. This is a service about HIV drugs though, not COVID meds. Are you living with HIV?
Just got Paxlovid and took 1st dose at 3pm. Can I still take tonight if I take late?
Hi Mary, yes this is correct. The Paxlovid morning and evening doses she be taken every 12 hours.
I took my first dose at 9:00 pm should my second dose be at 9:00 am
Hi Danny, Paxlovid should be taken every 12 hours. As you have started at 7am you can continue with 7pm and 7am the next day and continue like this.
Paxlovid can be taken with or without food. You do not need to wait to take it to account for your meal times.
I took Paxlovid 7am what time will I take the second dose in the evening? wait 12 hours after meal ?