
I took Paxlovid 5 hours apart…

Hi, i took Paxlovid covid medicine 5 hours apart, 5pm-10pm should I be worried?


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you mean you took the morning dose at 5pm and then the evening dose at 10pm?

You do not need to be worried but this is not the most effective way for this treatment.

It should be taken 12 hours apart e.g., morning dose at 10am and the evening dose at 10pm.

It would be recommended to take your next morning dose at 10am tomorrow morning and then every 12 hours from that dose.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Stacey and thank you for the question.
    This is a service for ARV medication for people living with HIV.
    Are you living with HIV?

  2. stacey

    I was so sick my husband gave me directions on how to take the medicine. I got confused and have been taking the Paxlovid 3 times a day for the last 3 days. What should i do?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Theresa, what time do you normally take your PM pills? If you are still within 8 hours of your normal PM time you can still take your PM dose.

    If it is now 4 hours or less to your next dose, skip the missed dose.

    You can continue your treatment at your normal time regardless of taking this missed dose or not.

  4. Theresa

    I forgot if I took my pm meds what should I do

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Annette, what time do you want to take your regular dose?

    Paxlovid should be taken 12 hours apart every time for the full course. As you have taken this first dose a little later than normal you can take the following dose at an evening time that would suit you best.

    You can then continue with this time for the remainder of the course e.g., 8 pm and 8 am.

  6. Annette

    Took the morning dose at 12.12pm when do I take evening dose


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