My CD4 count is fluctuating…
25 September 2023. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load.
Hi I have been undetectable since 2010, i take Genvoya everyday, my lab results on June 2022 was less than 30, then on Jan 2023 was undetectable, also on June /2023 was undetectable and on September 2023 was less than 30. My CD4 go up and down 970, 899, 827, 680, 745. The CD4% 41-46 . Does that mean my ART drug stop working and developing resistance since my CD4 changing up and down also vial loads?
Hi, how are you doing?
No. This does not mean you have developed resistance.
Your viral load is still suppressed and your CD4 count is in a healthy range (430-1690).
Please see this previous question.
CD4 count, as you have experienced, can fluctuate due to several factors e.g., if you have had a recent infection/vaccine, when you last exercised and what time of the day the test is done.
A more accurate measure is your CD4% because this remains more stable when tested. As this has remained healthy, you do not need to be concerned about your results.