
Can you experience peripheral neuropathy with a low CD4 count?

Is it true that you may experience peripheral neuropathy if your CD4 count is low?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes. This is true.

Peripheral neuropathy is experience more in people living with HIV.

The cause is less clear. In patients with a higher CD4 count it is thought to be caused by HIV itself. In those with a lower CD4 count it is more likely to be caused by opportunistic infections.

It can also be attributed to ART however this is more immediate onset and is easier to reverse by switching medications. ART that is known to cause peripheral neuropathy e.g., stavudine, is not routinely prescribed anymore for this reason.

There are also other causes of peripheral neuropathy that would need to be ruled out e..g, B12 efficiency and diabetes. These will be investigated and treated by your doctor.



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