Does Doxycycline and ranitidine hydrochloride interact with TLD drug?
19 December 2023. Related: All topics, Drug interactions.
Does Doxycycline and ranitidine hydrochloride interact with TLD drug? I visited pcp and described my current symptoms “evening fevers, body pain, headache, behind eye pain” and doctor said it might be dengue so gave cbc test and she prescribed me the above medication. I was not feeling ok to disclose my hiv status.
Hi, how are you doing?
I am sorry to hear about your current symptoms. It is good that your doctor is treating you and hopefully you will start to feel better soon.
There is no interaction between TLD and both of the drugs you have mentioned.
It is safe to take TLD along with doxycycline and ranitidine.
Hi Akash, thanks. There is nothing here to worry about. People taking HIV meds can also take antibiotics.
I took doxycycline 200 mg with TLD in my first day of pep. I was soo stressed and did not ask my doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Did a lot of researches on interenet but due to anxiety I really want to know if it is ok to use doxy in first day of pep. Additionally, just want to know if the effectiveness of both drugs does not decrease.