Can I take TLD with evening primrose oil?
16 March 2024. Related: All topics, Drug interactions.
Hi I’m taking evening primrose oil tablets in the morning and my ARVs (Tld) at 8pm will this cause any drug interactions?
Hi there
Thanks – please can you ask your doctor about this.
Although the drug interaction website run by Liverpool University does not include primrose oil, this study reports that interactions can occur.
I am sorry that I don’t have access to the paper, but your doctor and pharmacist will be able to talk abut this.
Until you speak to your doctor it would be better to not use primrose oil.
Hi Rod – thanks for posting the Liverpool link. It is the best drug interaction resource globally and we also recommend this a lot.
Good morning, in uk as soon as you start your treatment they give you the link wich is very simply to use and affective.
Please see below where you can choose your drug therapy and possible interaction, if something get orange say low interaction please read the details, sometimes there is not enough studies to confirm the interaction or will just advise you to take the other drug at least with 2 hours apart.
Hope it will help you