
Should I worry about resistance to dolutegravir?

Hi, I am recently diagnosed in South Africa and have been using LTD Odystra since February this year.

I have been reading reports that there is a resistance to doultegravir. This concerns me as I might be taking treatment and it might not be working.

Should I worry or continue using it? I’m due for my viral load test and CD4 count soon?


Hi there

Thanks for your question and for letting us answer online.

How are you doing as this must all be new to you. The meds are very good though and it is good that you are now on treatment.

Luckily, in most countries, drug resistance to dolutegravir is still very low. Even in countries with higher levels of resistance, this can vary depending on where in South Africa you live, This means that when your started treatment, the LTD – sometimes called TLD – is very likely to work.

Your next viral load test will should how well the drugs are working.

If you have been careful taking all your meds at roughly the same time, viral load might already be undetectable. This will show that you do not have resistance.

So long as you continue to be good at not missing meds, drug resistance is unlikely to develop. This means you could use the same combination for many years.


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