
Can I use other medications if I cannot access Ranega?

Hello, I just started Ranega for treatment as I just tested positive with viral load 29400 copies. Since this will be a life time medication I am afraid I can’t always have Ranega as it’s difficult to have.

My question is there a risk of changing medication if one time I can’t find the same medication? Taking into account that alternative might contain also the same three elements.


Hi, how are you doing?

Have yo had difficulty accessing Ranega?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD. TLD is now a very common combination and is being used worldwide. It is a drug with few side effects and is generally well tolerated by people. For these reasons it is a first line recommendation and most hospitals will have access to TLD.

In some cases you may be given a drug with a different name but it is still TLD. This is because TLD can be made by different manufactures leading to different names and looking different. Regardless, the medication will still work the same way.

Generic names of TLD can be found here. 

If you are unable to access TLD. It can be okay to switch to another class of medication but this is not recommended due to the change in side effect profile. If you are being switched to a different class this should be discussed with your doctor/pharmacist.

It will still be better to take some medication, rather than no medication.



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