Q and A


What are my chances of having caught HIV?

I had unprotected sex with a female 3 months ago now. It was only one night and I never ejaculated inside her. Soon after I developed a very sore throat and fever for one or two days. That all went but then my tongue became very white and even now, no matter what I do it is still like it and my mouth is always very dry. I had a hiv test after 5 weeks and it came back negative. What are my chances?


Thank you for your question.

Your chances of getting infected after any single exposure are usually very low but it is still possible.

In terms of any symptoms after you had unprotected sex regarding your tongue becoming very white and a dry mouth, I would suggest you seek some medical advise – a doctor needs to look at any symptoms like rash.

The HIV test you took was unlikely to be of any use – becasue you were still in the ‘window period’ before your body would have had time to generate the immune response that the HIV test looks for.

To put your mind at total ease you need to take an HIV test 2-3 months after the possible exposure.

Best wishes


  1. Dan

    ok thanks mate

  2. Simon Collins

    A negative HIV-test three months after any exposure means you are HIV-negative.

  3. Dan

    i had unprotected sex after a rough night out, it was around the middle of july last year, i was tested for h.i.v and others on october the 2nd and got my results negative two weeks later, would you say i had nothing to worry about?

  4. Simon Collins

    This website cannot diagnose symptoms. For this you also should seek medical advice from a doctor.

    Nothing you say suggests HIV – but that depends on your sexual history and use of condoms, and you didn’t provide information about this.

  5. mark

    I have slight little headaches and a small feeling of having a sore throat. whats the chances i have HIV

  6. Mark

    That sounds very similar to my experience, I had unprotected sex for only the 2nd time in my life outside of a long term relationship 6 months ago and I’ve suffered from a dry mouth and a white coating at the back of my tongue ever since. I tested HIV negative at 6 weeks and 3 months. It is very very unlikely that you caught HIV from a one night stand and it’s no good worrying about any symptoms until you’ve had the test 3 months after exposure. Besides, some people have HIV for years without any symptoms. I wish you the very best of luck, I’m sure you’ll be fine.