
Using PrEP in Turkey and drinking tea?

Hello, I am using 2-1-1 prep, my doctor gave me a triple mixture as herbal tea, Rosa canina L, Helichrysum Arenarium and TİLİA L. I am using it with prep every 6 hours, will there be a problem?

Question: Merhabalar 2-1-1 prep kullanıyorum, bitki çayı olarak doktorum bana üçlü bir karışım yaptı , Rosa canina L, Helichrysum Arenarium ve TİLİA L. Verdi . Prep işe birlikte 6 saat ara ile kullanıyorum bir sorun olur mu ?


Hi there

Please use Google translate to send Qs as this service is only in English.

Also to translate the answer back to Turkish.

There are no interactions between tea and PrEP.

This link is for latest info on PrEP:


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