Can Teydin (TLD) cause body changes?
6 August 2024. Related: All topics, Side effects.
What are the side effects of Reydin? Can they change your body shape?
Are there any ARVs that do not have side effects?
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Reydin is a generic version of TLD. Please see the main TLD side effects.
Most ARVs have some side effects but only for some people. Many people don’t get side effects. Sometimes you might need to try different meds if you have difficulty with one.
Although weight gain is sometimes linked to integrase inhibitors (dolutegravir) and TAF this is now explained by other drugs like efavirenz and TDF causing weight loss.
Talking to your doctor is important so you can be monitored in terms of weight and body measurements. You doctopr should try to find out the casue as this might not be from the meds.