Q and A


What does this result mean?

What does it mean if the doctor tells you that your blood count is 145. My brother is currently incarcerated and was diagnosed with HIV
about 8 years ago. He’s been fine up until now. He feels fine but the blood count is confusing us.

They are currently giving him something to build up his blood count. He’s not sure what it is. Right now – he’s tolerating it but says it makes him a little dizzy and hot.


145 is the CD4 count of your brother. CD4 are a special type of white blood cells. They show in what condition the immune system of the infected person is. The higher the CD4, the better. In a healthy person, the CD4 are between 500 and 1400.

A very useful material that will help you understand your brother’s condition, possible treatment and blood results is the i-Base ‘Introduction to Combination Therapy’.


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