Q and A


Which HIV test should I take?

I’m so lost. I put myself in a very risky situation. I have been to my GP and they suggested if I was this nervous they would order me a multiplex test. I searched online and called the lab where they do the testing. They said the test is 99% accurate after 10 days however I have to wait 7 days from the day I send the sample back, so that would be Thursday they get it and then if it takes 5 days to do – 11th august then 1-2 days for post? Bringing my exposure to exactly 3 weeks, on that day?

Should I just test next Monday with a duo for free – at 17 days would that give me a good indication or should I wait? Or go for that test please any advice is greatly appreciated – this test is also costing me £96.00 which I don’t mind but its the time frame.


Thank you for your question.

It is entirely your decision which test to take. However, the HIV DUO test is slightly more accurate and free. For more information please follow this link