
What are the different HIV tests?


There are three types of tests that can be used to diagnose HIV.

i) 3rd generation antibody-only tests.

These tests have window period 6-8 weeks after any risk. They include most rapid, Tri-Dot and Centaur tests. Self-testing tests usually only test for antibody.

The most common test for HIV is an antibody test. This tests for a persons immune response to having come into contact with HIV. An antibody is a protein produced by your body when it recognises an infection.

The main antibody test is called ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). If blood tested is from a finger prick, then ‘rapid’ tests can give the results in 10-30 minutes. If the blood is taken with a syringe, it is usually then sent to a lab, and results can take anything from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the urgency of the sample, and procedures of that clinic.

If this result is negative or non-reactive, then you are HIV negative (allowing for the window period – see below).

If the result is positive, this does not mean that you are HIV positive. It means you need a second confirmatory test. A small percentage of people can test positive with ELISA who are not HIV-positive (called a ‘false-positive’ result).

All positive results need to be confirmed by a second, more sensitive antibody test called western blot. The western blot test takes longer (usually a week or so) and is the most accurate at identifying genuine positive results. When it is used to confirm a positive result the western blot test is 100% accurate.

HIV antibody tests do not work as soon as you are infected. This is because it usually takes several weeks to generate antibodies to HIV. This is called the ‘window period’. Most people generate this response within 4–6 weeks, but approximately 5% of people take up to 3 months. Very rarely it can take longer.

The result of an antibody tests therefore only tells your your HIV status three months prior to the test. This is why people are advised to re-test three months after the exposure if you test at 4-6 weeks, or to wait three months before taking an HIV test.

Taking an antibody test less than 4 weeks after exposure will not tell you very much. You need to wait until at least 4–6 weeks after the exposure.

You then need to confirm a negative result with a second test three months after the exposure.

This confirmatory test is to cover the small chance (less than 5%) that you may not have developed an antibody response this early.

A modified ELISA tests called RITA (Recent Infection Testing Algorithm) can indicate whether the infection is likely to have been in the previous six months. Detuned means that the test has been modified, so that it is less sensitive.

It is provided to every NHS clinic free by the public health laboratory based in Colindale. In the UK this is recommended with every positive HIV test. The results given a good indication that the infection is recent but are not a guarantee. This is now referred to as RITA .

RITA used to be called STARHS (Serological Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion). A technical review of STARHS is at this link.

ii) 4th generation combined antibody/antigen tests and p24 antigen tests (ie Duo tests) – window period: 3–6 weeks after exposure (UK clinics generally say 6 weeks).

Some HIV tests combine an antibody (Ab) test with an antigen (Ag) test.

An antigen is a name for genetic material caused by a virus or other infection. In these tests the antigen being tested is p24 (protein 24), a major protein that is part of HIV.

p24 is detected 2–3 weeks after infection – before antibodies are produced, but not really afterwards – and p24 levels only stay high for the next 1–2 months.

p24 antigen tests can be used 3–4 weeks after exposure – so can give an earlier result than an antibody test. The are combined with antigen tests because the window period that p24 is detected is very short.

As with antibody tests, a small percentage of people may have a delayed response to HIV so people using this test four weeks after any potential exposure are routinely recommended to confirm a negative result three months later.

iii) Viral load tests (PCR RNA and DNA)

These tests have a window period from 1–4 weeks after exposure. However, they are not approved to diagnose HIV.

Viral load tests are also called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests. They either test for HIV RNA or HIV DNA.

Rather than look for an immune response, they look directly for HIV, usually in a blood sample. In a new infection, viral load can reach very high levels within a few weeks of infection. More rarely this can be within if few days.

Viral load tests are not approved for diagnosing HIV testing.

However, viral load tests are sometimes used in specific circumstances. This is usually after a very high risk or traumatic risk,  especially if several symptoms suggest seroconversion. In the presence of symptoms,  a negative viral load test is useful. It can rule out HIV because symptoms caused by HIV seroconversion would by definition need viral load to be both high and detectable. A negative viral load test can reduce initial anxiety and worry until an HIV antigen test can confirm there is no infection.

Viral load test are neither approved or recommended for routine HIV testing by people who just want to test more quickly than the four weeks recommended with an antigen/antibody test. They are less accurate (actual infections can easily be missed), more expensive and require more complicated laboratory technology.

After infection, viral load is usually very high within the first 1–2 weeks, and so this test can be usbloed to confirm a suspected early infection.

In adults, viral load tests look for RNA and are only usually done when there is both:

  1. A history of recent high risk exposure (ie condom break an HIV positive partner who is not on treatment); and
  2. Symptoms consistent with HIV seroconversion (fever, extreme tiredness, heavy ‘flu-like illness etc).

Viral load tests are also used in babies born to HIV positive mothers, and test for DNA.

This is important to know to decide on whether the baby needs early treatment. Because a baby carries his or her mothers anitbodies for the first two years, antibody testing is not useful until a child is around two years old.

Note: This answer was updated in 2011, 2018 and 2023 from an original post in January 2008.


  1. Simon Collins

    If the Elisa is an antibody only test then it is probably a bit less effective at 4 weeks. Either way, the confirmatory test at 3 months is recommended.

  2. Simon Collins

    Early negative results are clearly good news but the FAQ page discussed why a test a 3 months is recommended in UK guidelines.

  3. Simon Collins

    Great. Early negative results are good news and should help with anxiety if you are worried about recent risk of infection. The chance of a late positive result is low, but you still need the three month test to confirm this.

  4. Simon Collins

    The is good results from studies that having an undetectable viral load dramatically reduces the risk of heterosexually transmission from penetrative vaginal sex. There is still very little data to know how low these risks become.

    There is also no data on the impact of treatment on anal sex (gay or straight) which carries a higher risk compared to vaginal sex (other factors being equal). The risk is still likely to be reduced but this is unlikely to be to zero.

    The reduction in risk comes once viral load is undetectable on treatment (not just being on treatment).

    Does your partner know you are HIV-positive? This is not something you can decide on their behalf.

  5. Simon Collins


    There negative result after one month is clearly good news and should calm your main worries. Your wife will still need to have a second test in another two months in case she is one of the 5% of people who take longer to generate HIV antibodies.

    HIV is difficult to catch sexually so someone is always more likely not to catch HIV than to catch it from one exposure. Being on treatment would have reduced this risk, but this mainly happens after someone’s viral load has become undetectable. Sometimes this happens within the first month or two, but guidelines refer to someone having an undetectable viral load for more than six months.

    Your wife will be more vulnerable to HIV during pregnancy, so always use condoms if you are sexually active during this time.

  6. John

    I m hiv positive and i had sex with my wife before 1 month. She is pregnant now. I got her hiv status negetive by tri dot antibody test after 1 month since last exposure. I am on ART meds for last 3 months. Is she safe. I am worried . Plz help me.

  7. Simon Collins

    See this link for information on testing and transmission and to answer all these last questions above:

  8. jeee

    Hi I’ve had protected sex with a woman that I paid to have sex with me 4 weeks ago and took an HIV1/2 antibody test that (rapid). That was negative…the condom was intact and the same condom was used for oral and vaginal sex. Can I rely on the 4 week test? Is there a possibility that coz the same condom was used for oral and viginal sex I’m at higher risk? Pls help I’m going mad.

  9. Naomi

    I recently had unprotected sex with a man who has had many partners. He did not ejaculate. In the following week I had a sore throat and fevers. My doctor suggested I get a viral load test done as these symptoms are a bad sign. I had this done 10 days after sex, the test came back that the virus could not be found in my blood. I have read on your page that if you are showing symptoms of hiv seroconversion than the amount of hiv in blood must be detectable to a viral load test. Was 10 days too early to check or should it be accurate at this time . if it was caused by hiv then the virus should have been detectable in my blood?.. I am assuming my symptoms must have been caused by something else. How right am I to assume this? I will be getting an anti body test when it has been 12 weeks but I am still really worried even though I had the negative viral load test, as the symptoms were really weird…

  10. carlos

    hi its me again..i recenly said i done 4th genaration test after the risk 3 week and 10 week( both results came all negative)…but….

    ..i just found out that when i tested for hiv it was 11 weeks after the risk( not 10 weeks )

    and all std came negative….

    so is this results safe enought ?