Q and A


Can I get HIV from kicking a needle?


I spoke to THT ages ago and I remember that they said you guys had excellent website and fantastic information so I thought I would give you a try this time.

I was walking through a park, and there were a few needles there – my friend kicked one while walking not on purpose and it hit my shoe. My shoes are not thick. Anyways I looked through various sites and they all agree that HIV does not survive well outside the human body. My real concern is where the syringe part was when kicked some blood that was in the syringe might have come out (thinking about it not to sure if that’s possible).

I am obviously a little bit worried now – I was told that I can have a duo test after 2 weeks and then have one after 4 weeks, my GUM clinic said I would have to test all the way up to October possibly December, where here I have read a test at 19 days plus is a good indicator.

I booked a test on Tuesday just after 2 weeks for my exposure but I am not sure if I should go as I might be wasting there time with a in accurate result? Can you please advise me if I had a test done 14 days plus lets say 18days – then had a test done at 28 days plus am I in the clear. Or do I have to carry on testing till October. Or should I test after 4 weeks then maybe 6 weeks.

I hope you can help me.

Kind regards


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV this way. If this is your only exposure then there is no need for you to go for a HIV test.


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