Q and A


What are the chances of getting HIV from this one time unprotected oral sex?

I didn’t intend to ask this question but my symptoms force me to do it! Please help me! Thanks in advance!

I have a lot of symptoms such as aching muscles and joints, chest pain, swollen lymph nodes in my neck, skin losing colour, weight loss etc. It’s also difficult for me to concentrate.

Those symptoms appeared when I had unprotected oral sex with a woman a week ago. I went to a massage services and met a girl there. She performed oral sex on me without condom (her mouth and my penis). Then she stopped and I ejaculated outside her mouth. About 30 minutes later, I came home and had a bath. Time during is about 5 minutes. I did not give her anything else.

Can HIV be transmitted this way?

What are the chances of getting HIV from this one time unprotected oral sex?

You don’t know how much I appreciate your website!


Thank you for your question. You cannot get HIV this way. For more information about HIV transmission during oral sex please follow this link


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