Q and A


I got my test done in September 2009, what ELISA test would it have been on the NHS?


Thank you for your question.

The NHS generally use the fourth generation tests such as the p24 or DUO tests. For more information about these tests please follow this link.


  1. MC

    I was a bit annoyed because I asked my GP what the word centaur means and he didnt know so I typed it in on the internet and it said it is used for finding HIV but wanted to be sure which test was done. Thanks

  2. MC

    Thank you very much was just curious about what this centaur machine does because I wanted to know if the test was good and a Elisa test is.

  3. Charlotte Walker

    It performs an ELISA test which looks for antigens (the virus) and antibodies (your immune response to the virus) follow the link int he question to find out more about the tests.

  4. MC

    This machine is used to do the test would you know what test it performs though?

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Yes that is the machine used to do the test. It has no effect on the result.

  6. MC

    Also on my result sheet it says the word Centaur in brackets is this a machine?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    You are correct this should be addressed. The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), who are NHS-based have released a statement recently saying that offering a test 28 days after an exposure will pick up more than 95% of infections. This needs to be confrimed with a negative result after 90 days. The rest of the NHS doctors are still catching up with this. For a graphical diagram to give you more information about when the tests become accurate please follow this link

  8. MC

    On the NHS site it says you have to wait 3 months. Will the test above still be accurate?