Q and A


Can a negative result at 15 weeks be wrong? Also how do false negatives happen?


Thank you for your question.

It is extremely unlikely that a false negative test would occur at 15 weeks.

False negatives are when someone’s test is negative when they are actually positive. The most likely cause of this is when someone is newly infected and in the window period so not yet producing antibodies. If you are worried about false negatives then you should go for another test.

For more information on testing please follow this link.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    Yes. If the result is positive then you would need to do a confirmatory test. If the result was negative it is correct.

  2. MC

    So my test after 15 weeks so be correct?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    15 weeks is about 3 months. This result is over 99.5% correct.

  4. MC

    But it says on NHS site that three months is conclusive so at 15 weeks what percent is it right?