
What can I do about the weight gain around my tummy and breasts?

I am HIV positive and I am on ARV treatment but the treatment is making me gain weight especially around my breasts and tummy. Is it safe to take slimming powders or weight loosing products?


Thank you for your question.

If you are gaining weight around your stomach and breasts then it is likely that you are experiencing lipodystrophy which is a fat disorder. Lipodystrophy is a common side effect of HIV medication which has been reported with nearly every combination. Lipodystrophy involves fat accumulating in the abdomen (stomach), breasts, shoulders, neck and is sometimes exaggerated by fat loss from the arms, legs, buttocks and face.

During lipodystrophy fat builds up around your organs rather than under your skin which happens during ‘normal’ weight gain. Slimming powers and weight loss products do not generally work on the fat built up around your organs.

However, there are some things you can do. For a start you could speak to your HIV doctor about changing the HIV treatments you are taking. Additional treatments are explained in detail in this previous question and in the lipodystrophy section of the i-Base guide to ‘Avoiding and managing side effects’


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntsebeng,

    Weight gain is due to a number of issues, of which ARVs might be included. What are you currently taking?
    There’s info here about managing weight gain:

  2. Ntsebeng

    Hi I am HIV positive and I have started to take ARV since 2017 but now I started to gain weight in my tummy and under my breast. I just want to know what must I do to lose belly fat.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Lulu, how are you doing on your meds? Is there any question I can help with?

  4. Lulu

    Im lulu
    3 moths on madication

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lulu,

    Are you taking ARVs? If you are how long have you been taking them for? I’m asking as if your CD4 is low this could explain why you’ve lost weight. When someone is positive and their CD4 is low your body needs to work really hard to ensure that you don’t get ill, weight loss can be an effect of this.

    Weight gain supplements won’t do anything for you. The key will be to get your HIV under control.

  6. Lulu

    I would like to know
    Im HIV + and my cd4 is very low and i lose a lot of wait. Is it pissible to use cipla actin to gain wait?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomvula,

    Are you saying that your viral load has rebound and that your CD4 has increased?

  8. nomvula

    I am HIV + since 1994,started arv’s 2004,the problem is now the virus is not suppresing and iam starting loosing weight drastically,what advise you can give me in order to gain weight back

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Veronica,

    When you say that you’re taking Dolutegravir with your ART tablet, what do you mean? I’m asking because Dolutegravir is an ARV.

  10. Veronica

    Hi I am using Dolutegravir with my Art tablet every night same time. I have Tb. Once my Tb tablets are done which is in April next month I am told to stop using Dolutegravir. Can I still use it? Or do I have to stop. I want to pick up weight and feel that its making me eat since only recently I am taking it


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