Q and A


Is a Centaur test third or fourth generation?


I have heard that a Centaur HIV test is an ELISA test but I was wondering what type of ELISA test it would be e.g 3rd or 4th generation and also is it performed using the machine?


Thank you for your question.

The Centaur test is a third generation ELISA test. It is done with a machine and samples are loaded by a laboratory technician. For more information on the test please follow this link and read the section headed ‘Antibody tests’.


  1. Charlotte Walker


  2. john

    Okay thank you. So I can say that my test is accurate then?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    If you tested at 16 weeks then it would be extremely unlikely to get a false negative (less than 0.01%). For more information about false negatives please follow this link and scroll down the page.

  4. john

    So what are the chances of it being false negative using this machine?

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Yes it is conclusive any time after 12 weeks so 16 weeks is fine. The results you were given would be correct.

  6. john

    So being a third generation test on the Centaur machine is accurate and conclusive after 12 weeks as I had my test 16 weeks after exposure?