Q and A


How accurate are rapid tests for HIV diagnosis?

Hi, I have been having sex with my girlfriend for the past year and a half. The first few times we had unprotected sex. After that we started using condoms for birth control. We continued to have oral sex often.

Recently my girlfriend developed an ulcer in the clitoris. She then checked and tested positive for HIV-1, by a TriDot test and also by western blot. I myself have tested negative by TriDot as well as by DNA amplification tests. How can i really be sure that i am negative? Should i be taking any prophylaxis?


The Tri-Dot test is a rapid HIV antibody test that is very accurate and sensitive at detecting HIV infection. Getting a negative result means that you are HIV-negative.

If you have been potentially exposed to HIV over the 3 months before taking the test – I don’t think this is the case because you have been using condoms – then you could confirm this with another test in three months.

Your girlfriend will now need to have other blood tests including a CD4 test to check whether HIV has damaged her immune system and whether she needs to start treatment, and a viral load test if this is available in your country. She should also see a doctor about the ulcer.

You do not need to take any prophylaxis treatment for your own health, but you will need to make sure you continue to use a condom during sex.

The following link show results that show that the TriDot test has over 99.9% reliability.


  1. hari

    how many months do u know in blood correct…& how many months do u know symptoms ………………..
    what r the symptom

  2. Simon Collins

    A negative test means you are HIV-negative.

    Condoms do not have holes.

    A condom will protect you from catching HIV in the future.

  3. hari

    i wore a single condom which didn’t break & slip but I worry there were holes.

  4. hari

    I met a sexwork at least one year ago. I tested 3 times with the Tri-dot test and the results were negative. Is this correct?

  5. Simon Collins

    No. You are worrying too much.

    Try reading the questions on the avert website to learn more about risks of transmission.

  6. Sunil

    I recently had protected sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me where I touched her. I’m concerned because I might have removed the condom without washing my hands and in the process touching my penis. Am I at risk? Please advise.

  7. Simon Collins

    No, alcohol does not affect the results of an HIV antibody test.

  8. Sunil

    If I was under the influence of alcohol the previous night before the HIV test, would that influence the result in anyway or is the result conclusive?

  9. Simon Collins

    If you have not been exposed to HIV for the last 6 months, then these test results show that you are HIV-negative. Most people produce antibodies to HIV well within three months so you do not need to repeat the test.

    Perhaps your future husband should also have an HIV test, so that you are not at risk there.

    Your risk of catching HIV in the future will depend not just on having safer sex with your partners, but on whether you husband has any risk of catching HIV outside your marriage.

  10. prakash

    Dear sir
    I had sex with in March, exactly 6 monhs ago, and I have undergone the Tridot test in May and in July. Both times I got negative results. In November I am going to marry. Kindly tell me if there are any chances of getting HIV in the future. Do I require one more test now? How many month does this antibody take to appear in the body.