Q and A


How accurate are rapid tests for HIV diagnosis?

Hi, I have been having sex with my girlfriend for the past year and a half. The first few times we had unprotected sex. After that we started using condoms for birth control. We continued to have oral sex often.

Recently my girlfriend developed an ulcer in the clitoris. She then checked and tested positive for HIV-1, by a TriDot test and also by western blot. I myself have tested negative by TriDot as well as by DNA amplification tests. How can i really be sure that i am negative? Should i be taking any prophylaxis?


The Tri-Dot test is a rapid HIV antibody test that is very accurate and sensitive at detecting HIV infection. Getting a negative result means that you are HIV-negative.

If you have been potentially exposed to HIV over the 3 months before taking the test – I don’t think this is the case because you have been using condoms – then you could confirm this with another test in three months.

Your girlfriend will now need to have other blood tests including a CD4 test to check whether HIV has damaged her immune system and whether she needs to start treatment, and a viral load test if this is available in your country. She should also see a doctor about the ulcer.

You do not need to take any prophylaxis treatment for your own health, but you will need to make sure you continue to use a condom during sex.

The following link show results that show that the TriDot test has over 99.9% reliability.


  1. jagan


    About 6 years ago I had sex with a sex worker. I have suffered from mild fever ever since. After 6 years I got my blood for tested for HIV using the Tri dot test. The result was negative. Is the tri dot test is ok? Please give me reply.

  2. Charlotte Walker

    I have not heard of the rapid cord test but it sounds the same as the other rapid tests for HIV. There are lots of tests out there with slightly different names. If you took the test a year after unprotected sex then the results are accurate.

  3. Charlotte Walker

    The Tri Dot test is very reliable (over 99%) for more information please follow this link.

  4. Ajay

    Are the Rapid Cord test and Rapid Tri Dot test the same? I took this test which they call the Rapid Cord test. It was plastic with markings like C and 1 and 2. Is the result of this test accurate if the test was taken a year after having unprotected sex?

  5. Ajay

    I had sex with a girl 16 months ago. A month ago I took a Tri Dot rapid test and was found negative. To confirm again I took a Tri Dot rapid test and was again negative. Is this reliable? Please advise me as I am very frightened. Thank You

  6. Charlotte Walker


    I am so sorry to hear you were abused as a child. Realising what happened to you must surely be very upsetting. Have you managed to speak to anyone about your abuse such as a counsellor or an understanding friend or relative?

    If you have had three negative HIV tests since the incident and have not put yourself at risk of HIV during this time then you do not have HIV.

    To stop yourself worrying about HIV and to help you move on from this ordeal maybe you should find someone to talk to about this. As with every instance of abuse, talking to a professional about your experience may help you learn how to put it behind you and focus on your future and your career.

    Good luck!

  7. wick


    I was sexually abused by my elder cousin’s brother when I was in 8th standard. He inserted his penis in my anus. He also gave me oral sex. As I got older and became more aware of it. I got tested for HIV 2.5 years after the incident when I donated blood. I again got tested for HIV 1.5 years after the first test. I have again been tested for HIV 7 years after 8th class. All results were negative.

    My mind is not accepting this. I am spoiling my career! If u can help me, Please do as I want to end this thinking.

  8. Charlotte Walker

    Thank you for your question.

    The Tri-Dot test is very accurate 3-4 weeks after exposure. If you test was non-reactive it means you do not have HIV. Having jaundice when you tested for HIV should have no effect on the result.

    Being circumcised may mean you are at a lower risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) but it is still possible to get a STI with a circumcised penis.

    For more information on HIV transmission and testing please follow this link.

  9. mohsin


    I had sex with a sex worker 11 months ago. I remember I wore a condom. I had a Tri-Dot test on 4th April 2010. The result was non-reactive. Is the test accurate or should I go for another test?

    I also had jaundice when I took the Tri-Dot test. Will this affect the result?

    I had a test for hepatitis B and it was non-reative

    I also have a circumcised penis. Is this an advantage against sexually transmitted infections?

    Please help

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi James

    Thank you for your email.

    Your partner could easily have already been HIV-positive for the last seven years, without having known about this, especially is she is generally well and without symptoms.

    HIV for some people is a very slowly progressive infection, and if someone has not tested regularly, or at all, then the first time they find out is often when they become very sick and the illness is advanced. In the UK, 25% of people still do not have symptoms or need treatment even 10 years after infection, though 25% progress much faster and need treatment within 2 years. So in this your wife has just been lucky, and also that she has found out before she became seriously ill.

    The treatment now should also help her live for many more years. Treatment will also help ensure that the baby does not catch HIV.

    The HIV test is very accurate and can;t be affected by other illnesses, because it is testing for an immune response that is specific to HIV.

    I’m sorry that this must still be a shock for you, but I hope you get help and support to come through this together, to continue to plan your family.

    best wishes
