
I have had three negative HIV tests – are my symptoms due to HIV?

Hi, I had a HIV test at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 18 weeks after being with a women I didn’t know. I got so sick two days after we had sex without a condom. I had all the HIV symptoms and never got sick like this before. My tongue is all white now and I have a bad taste in my mouth. Is a 18 week test conclusive in the Republic of Ireland? I have asthma, I get colds a lot and have food allergies – would these effect my test? All my tests were negative. Many thanks.


Thank you for your question.

In the Republic of Ireland it is likey that the test you had was the fourth generation test which will detect 95% of infectuons at 28 days (4 weeks) after an exposure.

A negative result after three months (12 weeks) is considered conclusive.

If you have had three negative tests then you do not have HIV. Your symptoms are likely to be caused by something else. You should visit your doctor and explain the symptoms to him/her.

For more information about the various HIV tests please follow this link