Q and A


Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

I am currently on treatment my latest result were: viral load 29 and CD4 count 431 is this within accepteble ranges?


Thank you for your question.

Your results are very good. Once you are on treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load which should, wherever possible, remain under 50 copies/mL. Some people get the occassional ‘blip’ where the viral load goes up a little bit and then down again. This is nothing to worry about. Your viral load of 29 is very good.

Which treatments are you on? Have you experienced any side effects? When did you start treatment?

For more information on CD4 counts and viral load please follow this link


  1. Prince

    Initially my cd4 count in November 2018 was 250, I started Arv treatment in Feb 2019 and later in July it drops to 167 and a viral load of 124. Is the drugs resistance or what is going on here, I am confused my med is Efavirenz

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Benson,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Guidelines, both US and UK say that a persons viral load should become undetectable within 1-3 months. However, as we’re all different for some people it can take longer than the 1-3 months. When I started meds it was with a viral load of just over 100,000, it took 6 months for me to become undetectable. So though it may be frustrating that your viral load isn’t less than 50, you’re nearly there.

  3. Benson

    Hi, Lisa.
    My current viral load is 164 copies and it’s been 5 months of ARV medication.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Benson.

    What was your viral load result?

  5. Benson

    My previous CD4 was 360++

    I was diagnosed with HIV when I was on my second month of tuberculosis’s medication..I have to be on TB medication for 9 months which should be completed on next month.

    I’m currently taking Lamivudine-Zidovudine and Efavirenz.
    This is my first time having viral load tested after being on 5 months of ARV medication.

    I was told by doctor to go through second viral load test in another 5 months time. He is hoping that second viral load test will be showing undetectable.
    In any case, I’m not satisfied with the first viral load result and started to get worried because I learnt it should be undetectable after being on ARV for few months time.

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Benson,

    It’s great that your CD4 count is within the normal range for someone who is HIV negative. This means your immune system can work well.

    But after 5 months on ARVs your viral load should be undetectable, that is below 50 copies. Do you have access to your previous CD4 count and viral load results? Please let us know, and also tell us what ARVs you’re taking.

    What does your doctor say about your how your viral load is decreasing?

  7. Benson

    I have been on ARV medication for 5 months.
    My CD4 now has increased to 600 and viral load has decreased to 164..
    I wonder if there still a chance for my current viral load to drop to undetectable level?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    Thanks for this. It’s good to see your HIV treatment working well.

    And anyone who is HIV positive with another virus or condition needs to make sure that their HIV doctor works with their doctor for the other condition.

  9. John

    I started biktarvy which is a new HIV pill. On May 2019 and in July my cd4 went up 58 points .my cd4 was 378 in 2 months it got to 436 and my JC Virus ( it’s a disease) anyways my JC virus levels was 127 in 2 months it got down to 55 points ( 72 actual results )

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntokozo,

    It’s not possible to say what your childs status is going to be. However, because you’re on ARVs the risk of transmission will be drastically reduced. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy


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