
Is the p24 test accurate after 3 weeks?

I spoke to my nurse at the GUM clinic the other day and wanted to ask if this was true:

I had an exposure 12 weeks ago – and then 3 weeks ago I had a p24 test done and I was worried about the 3 week exposure, the nurse said that the 2nd part of the p24 would be detectable after 3- 6 weeks is this true? She also said that I didn’t need another test.


Thank you for your question.

The nurse is correct. The p24 test can pick an infection 3-4 weeks after an exposure. If you test result was negative then you do not need another test. If you result was positive then you will need a confirmatory test.

For more information about the p24 test please follow this link.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Susan,

    If your tests are saying negative, then you are negative. Please see question one here:

  2. Susan

    Here’s my ? In September I had a test done HIV 1 said negative HIV 2 positive for antigens. So I took a third test it came back negative. This week I went to a new doctor got another test with the same results. They sent the third one in I won’t find out the results until next week. I have 3 kids how worried should I be?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    Hi Jay,
    I am not a doctor but it sounds like you have a winter cold. If you have had 3 tests, all negative then you do not have HIV. You should speak to your GP about what is causing your symptoms other than HIV.

  4. jay

    Hi Charlotte, I’m driving myself mad taking test after test, I’ve had 3 done, one at 4 and a half week one at 7 weeks and one at 13 weeks all have come back negative. It’s now 6 months since my first test, and whether its to do with the time of year or what I don’t know but I have a sore throat, hot and cold sweats and flu like symptoms. Do you think that I should get another test or its just a common cold/flu. I’ve only had it 2 days….