
Is a HIV DUO test at 3 weeks a good indicator for a 100% result test?


Thank you for your question.

No. The earlier test may be a good indicator, but UK guidelines say this shoud be at 28 days.

The same UK guidelines (BASHH) state that the second test at 12 weeks would give you a conclusive result.

For more information about testing please follow this link


  1. Charlotte Walker

    If you read the link I sent you previously you will see it says the test is accurate 6-12 weeks after exposure (see section about antibody-only test).

  2. rahool 1

    i have read this thread but my questio is different. do you say that i shoould go for another antibody testa t 3 months , can i not take this at combo tets at 36 days as conclusive. can you tell me how reliable isChemiluminescent Microparticle Immunity assay. because in india they use only this . please help me….

  3. Charlotte Walker

    This question is answered at the following page under the section called ‘antibody only tests

  4. rahool 1

    i did this test in india using (Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay) done on 36 day and result was .17 and cut off was .89 . can you tell me do I need further testing at 3 months. Is it reliable as it was taken after 28 days. My exposure was protected intercourse but not sure whether rubber broke or not. It was with CSW

  5. Charlotte Walker

    It is will pick up 95% of infections at 28 days and it conclusive at 90 days.

  6. rahool

    Please tell me whether a HIV combo test at 36 days is conclusive?

  7. samantha

    Thanks for the answer – I read the testing guide and my doctor said that a test at 3 weeks is reliable as well, what I want to do is have a test at 3 weeks or just after at the local GUM and then after get one done at my GP can I request a DUO test if the blood is going to go to the same hospital – or can I pay at my GUM for the 2nd test?