Q and A


What is the risk when a negative and positive person use condoms?

I am living with HIV. I knew my status three years ago and iimmeadiatily started treatment, but I have a sexual partner for over eight years and we were together before I knew my status.

We always use condoms, but we deep kiss before and after I have been on treatment.

Some times I worry that he may be at risk of catching HIV.

What is the risk from having a negitive person having sex with positive person with condoms.


Thanks for your post.

As long as you use condoms, then your partner is very unlikely to catch HIV.

He can not catch HIV from kissing, even deep kissing, because saliva is not infectious.

The only risk is if the condom breaks or comes off without you realising this.

So, use plenty of lube to reduce the risk that they might break. Check the condom is in place while you are having sex, especially when building up to cum. If you have sex for a long time, or have very active sex, then perhaps replace the condom rather than using the same one for hours.

Because you are on treatment though, if your viral load is undetectable, then this reduces any risk to even lower levels (though not to zero). So continuing to use condoms is still recommended, but it might help reduce your worry and anxiety.

Another recent post talked about this which you may find interesting.


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