Q and A


Can I do something about my discoloured nails?

Thank you for all the hard work you do. I have a question… I noticed a year ago after starting my medication that my nails discoloured and a couple have black line across them. Is this one of the many side effects associated with my medication? Is there a way to get rid of this uncomfortable image? l once read in one of the many websites that these lines are very common with people on HAART.
I am on Kivexa, Reyataz boosted by Norvir.


Nails’ dicolouration is a reported side effect of AZT (Retrovir, which is also a compound of Combivir and Trizivir) and FTC (emtricitabine, Emtriva, which is also a compound of Truvada). Needless to say, however, that one should keep open minded and never exclude the possibility that other medications may cause that too.

At the same time there are many HIV-negative people who have the condition as well.

Leuconychia or “white nail” is an abnormal whiteness/paleness of the nails, either in total, partial (spot) or striate (streaks) forms. Leuconychia may occur spontaneously or after minor trauma. In association with generalised disease it is usually caused by the hypoalbuminaemia of chronic liver disease. The nail beds become opaque, often leaving only a rim of pink nail bed at the top of the nail. The thumb and index nails bilaterally are usually


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