
Should I test again or move on?


Hi there. I took an ELISA test in Australia (not sure what generation it was but it was prop 3 or 4th ) approximately 23 days after having oral sex performed on me (I am hetrosexual male if that makes a difference).

My question is, can I count on this test as something I can rely on and move on with my life or should I get tested again?

I have never done intravenous drugs, unprotected vaginal or anal sex and have no other reason for concern except for above question.


Thank you for your question.

The risk of getting HIV from oral sex is generally very low – average figure are less than 1 in 1,000 even if your partner is HIV positive.

The actual risk depends on several factors (in addition to whether your partner is HIV positive). These include how infectious he is (his viral load) and whether you have cuts or sores in your both – both of which increase the risk.

You early results of your test are a good indication that you do not have HIV. UK guidelines recommend that a 4th generation test will detect 95% of infections by day 28 and that a confirmatory test is needed at or after 90 days.


  1. Dave

    I in the meantime took another ELISA test in Australia after 39 days.

    You were correct in saying I have nothing to worry about and was over thinking this situation!
