Q and A


Should I worry about my CD4 count result?


Hello Dr

What would be the cause of this significant drop? On this day,
8/7/2010 my CD4 count was 460, with a viral load of less than 40, and CD4% 19. Then after I took my last shot of Hepatitis B vaccination on 27/7/2010 and continued my exercise as usual. I went for another lab test which came out with surprising result, CD4 333, VL less than 40 CD4% 18. Though I knew that CD4 due fluctuate but this is a huge drop. Should I worry for this result.?


Thank you for your question.

I would like to once again start by saying that we are not doctors. We are a treatment activist group, HIV-positive led and committed to providing timely HIV treatment information to HIV-positive people.

You are right CD4 fluctuates all the time as your immune system responds to things going on, therefore it changes – it is not static. That is why doctors use the CD4% which is a bit more stable.

We have also responded to this question here . Please stop worrying.

All the best.


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