
Can you explain what the numbers on my test result mean?

I wanted to ask several questions about the HIV DUO test please:

On the result report of the test was some writing from the lab which said the result was ‘non-reactive’ but did not mention any numbers. Other lab tests wrote on the result of the HIV DUO test ‘0.04 (less than 0.25 ) negative’.

My questions are:

1. What does the 0.25 number mean and why do they say ‘less than’?

2. What does the other number (0.04) mean? Does it mean the test is a little bit positive?

3. Is this test accurate after 5 months?

4. I had HIV symptoms after one month of exposure and it has carried on until now (sore throat, swollen lymph nodes) but all tests have been negative. Is it this result conclusive?

5. I need peace of my mind, what can I do to know my status?


Thank you for your questions.

Firstly the wording ‘non-reactive’ means that the results are negative. You do not have HIV.

The numbers are a way to quantify the test result to make it more accurate than simply saying ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. The closer the ‘0.04’ number is to 0 the more certain the lab will be that the result is negative. If the value is 1 then the result is ‘positive’. The phrase ‘less than 0.25’ simply states that the value of 0.04 is less than the cut-off value of 0.25 so it is in the most definitely negative band. It does not mean you are a little bit positive. This result is negative.

Some people who are in the seroconversion phase or during the window period may have a test that is closer to 1.0. In this case the healthcare worker may recommend a confirmatory test.

I am sorry you are not feeling well. The symptoms you are experiencing are not HIV-related. They are likely to be caused by something else and you should speak to your doctor about doing further tests to investigate what is causing these symptoms.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi McCole,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here: