Q and A


If a HIV negative man comes inside a HIV positive woman what are the risks to the man?

What is the risk if a negative man having sex with a positive woman uses a condom but then when the man is about to come he takes off the condom and he comes inside of the woman? Will the man be infected?


Thank you for your question.

Any risk is not related to whether or not you cum, but to other factors. These include how long the contact lasts (in this case maybe just a few seconds) so the risk will be very low.

If your partner is taking HIV treatment and has an undetectable viral load, then the risk will be zero, even if you don;t use condoms at all.

The biggest risk of transmission relates to viral load. When this is undetectable the risk becomes zero then transmission doesn’t occur.

Are you asking this question so your partner can become pregnant? If yes, the it is easy to  still conceive naturally, but better if your partner is on treatment.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in December 2010. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk but please see: Question 1, 5, 6 and 9 at this link).


  1. Njabulo

    Is there as safe way to have unprotected sex with an HIV positive person who is on treatment?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mxolisi,

    If the women you’ve been having sex with has an undetectable viral load, the yes you’ll be OK. This is because the risk of transmission is close to zero when someone is undetectable. For more info, please see here:


  3. mxolisi

    I’ve been having sex with a women who is HIV positive. She’s on treatment. Am I OK?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Braimoh,

    Please see question one here:


    If the person is on HIV meds, and has been for at least 6 months, the risks are close to zero. See the PARTNER study for more info:


  5. Braimoh

    what is the chance of a man who has sex with HIV positive woman not to have HIV

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Baby,

    I really do not know what the symptoms that your husband is having are. If you know he’s been sleeping around and you are worried, you will need to test. Please see question one here:


  7. baby

    Hello so i have a question sp my husband has been sleepy around on me and 1 day he came in from work and he was really red under all his stuff down there for about 2 weeks what does that mean and then 1 day he came in and went to the restroom and sit down using the restroom and moving both of his legs like shacking them

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Q-Boy,

    Its actually quit difficult to contract HIV. For more information about why someone can test positive, and other negative please see question 5 here:


  9. Q-BOY

    hi i stay with my wife we’ve leaved together for 2 years n now we are expecting a baby.when she goes to clinic doc realized tht she is infected with hiv but when i go to the clinic i test negative every time how posible is that?

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi smj

    Please see this link for information about HIV risk and testing.