Can I get HIV from deep kissing?
16 December 2010. Related: All topics, HIV transmission.
Is it possible to catch HIV from deep kissing (biting lips, gum desease)? I ask this question because there is contradictory information on internet. The CDC site states that there has been one case in 1997 where a woman got infected from her husband through deep kissing. Other sites like MEDHELP or FORUMS.POZ.COM say there is NO risk from deep kissing regardles of any biting or blood.
I am worried and l dont know if I should test after an exposure like this? Thanks.
Thank you for your question.
I contacted CDC about why they put this information on their website and they responded by stating:
We do not have data on the proportion of people who have been infected through French kissing alone, but we stress that this is likely to be none. The risk is theoretical and remote.
If your only exposure was deep kissing then you do not need to test for HIV. You cannot get HIV this way.
Is using a condom very effective in preventing HIV transmission? I am worried because we used a condom yet the partner is hiv positive.
Hi Rocky,
If you tested negative, then you are negative. You also can’t get HIV from kissing.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your previous response.
As i tolde you i had protected sex but i had deep kissing with my partner with cracked lips and unknown HIV status.
After a week i had got rashes and as i had asked you in my last post you suggested me to get tested.
So i got teated on 22nd day and method used was Tridot test and it came negative.
So should i worry.
Hi Jasmine, HIV is a difficult virus to catch and it is not transmitted by kissing. How is your friends doing. You have a great chance to learn about the difficulties he has gone though by talking. You might also find the PARTNER study interesting if your friend is on treatment with an undetectable viral load.
This issue has been bothering me alot,,,I met this guy who is infected so far I don’t know if he has aids or he is hiv +,,,,I only know he was born with the virus . We have never done anything intimate,,,, my worry is that he keeps telling to kiss him but I am afraid though I love him am afraid of risking
Please help me
Hi Theophil, no, this is a bit silly. Both people would have to have blood coming from their mouths and then they would not be kissing.
i think its very posible for partners who have cracked lips to contact HIV in the process of deep kissing. its something that spread when the blood comes to contact especially when the wounds are freshened in the process of kissing.
Hi Jayson,
Please see question one here:
I’m very worried about being infected with hiv…I met a Taiwanese at his apartment about 2 weeks ago, but didn’t expect that it will end with some french kissing on his bed. Now I’m worried if I got infected or not.
One aggravating factor though, is that at that time, I had a small crack on my lower lip. Could that be a possible route for infection?
He actually told me he didn’t have HIV. That he had himself tested last month, and that it was negative. That he was vaccinated against hepatitis and meningococcal disease in 2004.
Hi Rocky,
If you’re worried about infection, the only thing to do is test.