
How accurate is an HIV test at 10 weeks after a possible exposure?


Thank you for your question.

It depends which test you use. A fourth generation test will detect 95% of infections 28 days after a possible exposure. This needs to be confirmed by a second test 90 days after the exposure.

A third generation test (antibody only) test is accurate 6-12 weeks after a possible exposure. For more information please follow this link.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Michael,

    These types of tests are usually very accurate. For more about testing, please see question one here:

  2. Michael

    I had a high risk with HIV positive person but I was placed on PEP on 42hrs, after taking the pills i had my first test on 5th week and second on 7th week but they are all Negative. I later took another test on 10th week still Negative together with Hepatitis B also Negative but all was on Rapid Testing. I want to know if I’m truly Negative

  3. Simon Collins

    Pls see this FAQ pages

  4. Meee

    Im a girl.was with a guy. At about 3 weeks after exposure, I tested negative. Then I went again at abt 50 days later, was negative. Then went again at about 70 days after exposure.was negative again.all at a std clinic. using a third generation.elisa test.I that accurate?

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Your tests were negative and this is good news. UK guidelines (BASHH) recommend that this should be tested at 90 days to confirm a negative result.

  6. rai

    hey last time plz .i tested at 9 week with antibody result was nagetive do i need to test at 12 week?plz reply?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    p24 antigen tests will pick up 95% of infections at 4 weeks after a possible exposure. If your test was negative then you don’t have HIV and you don’t need to test again.

  8. rai

    hey.. I have tested nagetive for p24 antigen at 3 week is this end of my testing?plz help me.

  9. Charlotte Walker

    2nd generation tests are hardly used these days.

  10. mohd

    what about 2nd generation test?