Q and A


How can I improve my CD4 count when I am already on treatment?

How to improve my CD4 count of 210? Is it dangerous at this stage? I was stressed and it has never been so low. I take daily Truvada (tenofovir and FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine). How can I improve it? Will more sleep help? I eat healty foods.

Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear that you are stressed at the moment and that it is affecting your CD4 count. A CD4 count of 210 isn’t bad at all and is nothing to worry about.

How long have you been on medication? If you have recently started then it is possible that as you continue taking your meds your CD4 count will increase. Trying to reduce your stress levels or learning to manage your stress better could also help.

Other things that can help to increase CD4 counts include the same things that are advised for general health. Try to eat a balanced diet, sleep well, exercise, stop smoking, and only use alcohol or recreational drugs in moderation.

It is also possible that your CD4 count is just fluctuating and that it will naturally go back up on its own. Either way it is nothing to worry about. Once you have started treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load. As long as that remains undetectable your treatment is working.


  1. Lilly

    I’ve been taking treatment for fours years now. When I begin my CD4 count was 320, its now 369.What can i do to increase it.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi John,

    Do you have any viral load results? What medication are you on? How long have you been on it for?

  3. john

    before taking ARV, my CD4 count was 500+, after a year it goes down to 300+. My question is that, my medication is a failure? tnx a lot.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sibahle,

    Changes in CD4 are discussed here:


  5. Sibahle

    I’m on odimune and my CD4 keeps on dropping. Firstly it was 248 and changed to 138 and now its 104. My viral load is undetectable. What can I do to boost my CD4?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Casey,

    Your CD4 will only improve if you take ARVs. This is because only ARVs can help your HIV. Therefore, you should seriously begin to start thinking about starting treatment. Furthermore, the World Health Organisation recommend that everyone is on ARVs, this is regardless of CD4.

  7. Casey

    Hi there! I want to know whether my CD4 is likely to improve. I’m not on HIV meds,using malt vinegar every day,eating healthy,exercise,etc. CD4 is now 318,will check again after two weeks. Thank you

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Oke,

    Other than taking ARVs, there isn’t anything that you can do/take to increase your CD4. Therefore, just keep doing what it is that you’re doing.

  9. Oke

    Have started treatment already but my CD4 is just 300 what can I do to increase it?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembie,

    How often are you feeling sick? And what ARVs are you taking? What time of the day do you take them?


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