Q and A


If my CD4 count is 1295, does it mean I no longer have HIV?

I am HIV positive. My first CD4 count was 685 and then it went up to 1295 does that mean I am healthy and is the virus cleared in my body?


Thank you for your question.

A CD4 count of 1295 is fantastic! However, unfortunately it does not mean HIV is cleared from your body. CD4 counts do fluctuate up and down. It could also be that you were recently infected and your CD4 count is increasing after the initial infection. For more information please follow this link.

The good news is that your immune system is very good as your CD4 count is so high.

What is your viral load result? Usually this would be detectable, even with a high CD4 count, though a small percentage of people (less than 0.01%) maintain a high CD4 count and undetectable viral load, without needing HIV treatment.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sandra,

    A CD4 count of 705 is great. Its well within the normal range for someone who’s negative and great for a positive person.

  2. Sandra

    Someone whose CD4 count is 705 is it good

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ayo,

    Even if you’re viral load is undetectable, if you were to do a HIV test it would be positive, please see here:


  4. Ayo

    Am undetectable and my CD 4 count is high 1400, ever since I started meds. I just want to ask if I did HIV test now will it how that am positive?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lydia,

    If it was the meds that were making you feel ill, and you stopped, this would explain why you no longer feel sick. However, as you’re no longer on medication your HIV isn’t under control. Have you thought about trying a different type of ARV?

  6. Lydia

    I was tested positive just early last year with a cd4 of 350 so I started taking the MED’s but I was always sick anytime I take the drugs so I stopped taking it since last year June and I haven’t fell sick again. Why is it so? Please I need answer.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Valma,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  8. Valma

    Hi, I’ve been on arvs since June 2013, gained back the 30 kgs I lost due to tb,presently I’m suffering from menierres disease which is a labarynth disorder,I’m on arvs,cyclyzine,cinnarazine and bromaze for the menierres. Will these meds attack or destroy the arvs in on?my viral load is undetectable

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Beauty,

    Many HIV treatment guidelines recommend that everybody can start treatment any CD4 count. This includes CD4 counts that are higher than 500. Advantages of starting at any CD4 count can include reducing the risk of other illnesses. This includes both HIV and non-HIV complications.

    You can read more about this on the question here.

  10. Beauty

    Hello …i want to know which stage of hiv are you when your cd4 is 651 b4 taking treatment


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