Q and A


If my CD4 count is 1295, does it mean I no longer have HIV?

I am HIV positive. My first CD4 count was 685 and then it went up to 1295 does that mean I am healthy and is the virus cleared in my body?


Thank you for your question.

A CD4 count of 1295 is fantastic! However, unfortunately it does not mean HIV is cleared from your body. CD4 counts do fluctuate up and down. It could also be that you were recently infected and your CD4 count is increasing after the initial infection. For more information please follow this link.

The good news is that your immune system is very good as your CD4 count is so high.

What is your viral load result? Usually this would be detectable, even with a high CD4 count, though a small percentage of people (less than 0.01%) maintain a high CD4 count and undetectable viral load, without needing HIV treatment.


  1. Amahle

    My cd4 count is 465 im positive&im pregnant my age is 22

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Noks,
    Having an undetectable viral load means that treatment is working well for you. This is the best way to check how effective your treatment is. It’s also great that you are feeling well and have a high CD4 count!

  3. Noks

    My CD4 count is 997 and my viral load is undectable and feeling very well, does this mean my treatment is working for me?

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi JimBob – thanks for you experience and comments. You have had a great response to treatment. You are right to emphasise taking care of yourself and the importance of continue to take your meds carefully.

  5. JimBob

    Moving Up – my CD4 count got as low as 80 when I was in hospital with PCP. It was 400 by the time I left hospital 7 months later and now (4 years later) is about 600. It climbs and then plateaus for a while. I have an undetectable viral load but get infections much more frequently than I did before and now take an antibiotic daily. I think an increasing CD4 count is better than a low one but you still need to take care of yourself and never stop taking anti-virals.

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    CD4 count increases are very individual and it’s difficult to know how high yours can go. But this is a very good response to treatment and having a CD4 count above 200 means you are at lower risk of getting ill. So long as you are feeling well it’s better to try not to worry too much about the numbers and focus on living life. For an idea of average CD4 count increases check this graph, but remember that there is a lot of variability between people

  7. Movin Up!

    My CD4 got as low as 25 4 yrs ago, been climbing slowly, at the end of last year it was at 155, just received latest results, 238. My question is how high can it realistically go? Been feelin a lot better, and taking better care of myself, which hadn’t always been the case!

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Ntombi,
    That’s a very good CD4 count! Are you on treatment?

  9. Ntombi

    My cd4 count is 559 the nurse tld me its good and shud keep it up!

  10. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Noxy,
    A CD4 count of 16 is very low and it is important that your uncle takes antiretrovirals (ARVs). Did the doctor in the hospital say why he wasn’t being given treatment? It’s very important that he starts treatment soon and that he is monitored closely by a doctor. Even though his CD4 count is very low there is still a good chance that treatment could work well for him. Please see this page about late diagnosis and low CD4 counts for more information.


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