Q and A


Can I take thrush treatment with my ARVs?

Hello there

I am currently on Truvada, atazanavir and ritonavir and would like to check whether there are any interactions between those drugs and the following: Omega 3 capsules, probiotics and nystatin (given to me for oral thrush). I am taking the ARVs in the morning so wondering whether I can take the others without any interaction? If so, when is the optimum time to take them? I am asking as I have read somewhere that someone with a CD4 count of less than 200 (mine is 95 at the mo) should not take probiotics and that the nystatin doesn’t agree well with those ARVs.

Many thanks for your help


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are suffering with oral thrush. Omega 3 is fine to take with your meds. Probiotics just contain ‘good’ bacteria and so as long as you are only on a small dose they will be fine and will help to stabilise your levels of ‘good’ bacteria once the thrush has gone. For more information please follow this link.

Nystatin – I cannot find any information to suggest that this should not be used. However, nystatin does work in a similar way to amphotericin B which is filtered by the kidneys. Tenofovir, one of the drugs in Truvada, is also filtered by the kidneys and so if you are taking the two at the same time you should speak to your doctor about close monitoring of your kidney function during this time.

I hope you are feeling better soon.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Yes, and your question has already been answered here:

  2. gugu

    Can I change the time which I’m taking my ARVS from 7pm to 8am please help I don’t want to destabe my pills

  3. Charlotte Walker

    Hi Amber,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I am really sorry to hear about your bad reaction to the efavirenz. Most people get side effects within the first 1-2 weeks. In general, feelings of nausea and vomiting etc. tend to lessen during the first 2-4 weeks after starting treatment. If you haven’t experienced any side effects from the new meds yet then it is likely that you won’t experience any in the future. If you want to know more about side effects then you might find it useful to read out guidebook by following this link. This guide can also be sent out to you free of charge if you subscribe here.

    Are you in London by any chance? If so then we have a treatment training session next Wed which you might be interested in? For more information please follow this link.

    Best wishes


  4. Amber

    Many thanks Charlotte.

    I was recently diagnosed so I am full of questions and anxiety and I have another question for you – I started the above ARVs a week ago and have so far not had any side effects (touch wood!) apart from some mild headaches & feelings of nausea but I was wondering when should the more severe side effects crop up with these meds? I am asking as I was first put on truvada & efavirenz and got a horrific allergic reaction from the efavirenz in the form of a rash which was so awful I had to go to casualty. My doctor told me that with efavirenz most people get a reaction between days 10 – 14 (I got mine on day 9) so I am anxiously waiting for any reaction with the new combination to happen. I know it doesn’t happen to everyone and I may well be lucky not to get anything with this combination but with my horrendous previous experience I am understandably cautious and waiting…. When do reactions tend to happen with this combination?

    Thanks again for your help.


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