Q and A


Will my warts disappear now I am taking HIV treatment?

I had genital warts four years ago and the treatment (a cream) was really successful. The warts then reappeared last summer (with no reappearance in the meantime) but this time I had cryo which worked just as well. A few months ago the warts came back again and I was also diagnosed with HIV, having probably had HIV for a few years (as my dr says). I am now on meds and was wondering whether the warts will disappear now I am on HIV treatment? I read that warts are common with those infected with HIV.


Thank you for your question.

Once you have warts two things can happen. Sometimes your body can clear the warts naturally and in doing this develop protection against the particular strain of virus that caused the warts. Sometimes though the virus is just suppressed and remains latent (sleeping) in the body.

If the virus is just suppressed then warts only usually reappear when you are run down or your immune system is low. This is why they can be a problem in HIV-positive people with a low CD4 count. It is common for these to resolve after starting treatment as your CD4 count increases.

Now that you are on HIV treatment you may find that once they are treated they remain latent. You may also find that on occasions they come back which might happen whether you are HIV-positive or not. This is nothing to worry about and does not mean your treatment is failing or that your immune system is weak. If warts come back report this to your doctor for treatment.

Warts are caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and there are over 100 different strains of HPV, many of which have no symptoms, and some of which cause warts. HPV is an extremely common viral infection and only a small percentage of people are at risk of HPV-related serious illnesses. However a PAP smear can identify cells that may be early signs of abnormalities. You should discuss with your doctor whether you would benefit from a Pap smear (depending on your age and medical history), either now or as part of your future care.

For more information about genital warts please see this link.

For a medical review of HPV and HIV is at this link.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi CHarles, you will need to go for wart treatment. The HIV drugs will not treat the anal wart.

  2. Charles

    I was was diagnosed with HIV positive day’s back of which I have commence treatment asap,but I have an anal wart.can my HIV drugs clear the wart or should I go for my wart treatment

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anikq, ARVs will not help treat genital warts. In 30% of people no treatment is required. Genital warts are able to self resolve. If they are ongoing have you spoken to a doctor? You will be able to discuss what options are available.

  4. Anikq

    Hi I have genital warts but I’m negative will ARVs help if I take it as an option too help with warts


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