
Can I recover from a low CD4 count?

Can I recover from a low CD4 count?


Yes. There are people who have started ARV treatment with a very low CD4 count-sometimes even 1 or 2 cells. The majority of them have recovered their immune system as a result of the ARV therapy.

According to several studies, however, it is more difficult and it takes more time to increase the CD4 count if you start at a low count as compared to the situation when you start at a relatively high count, say from 200-350.

The best way to support your immune system is to choose a potent ARV combination and to be really adherent.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Stuart – thanks for sharing your experience – it is appreciated :)

  2. Stuart

    It’s always devastating to have a positive diagnosis but it’s not a death sentence. They are far worse things that can happen to you like cancer or a life changing injury through accidents.
    They are excellent treatments and after the initial shock and denial you will get used to taking your tablets which are now modern small and easily taken without any complications .
    Speaking to others with the same condition helps and they really are no need to inform others as you cannot pass on the viris once you gave been on treatment fir 6 months or more and are undetectable .so get on with your life Gid has given us a second chance at life through healing if modern medicine which was not available to others before the year 2000.
    Be kind to yourself and others now and learn to look after yourself and enjoy life ….

  3. Simon Collins

    Although it is a shock to find out you are HIV-positive, it sounds like you only recently caught HIV (in the last six months or so). If you are well otherwise, you will just be monitored with blood tests every 3-6 months and may not need to use treatment for many years.

    The blood test result next month will probably be your CD4 count, which is used to monitor your immune system.

    Ask your hospital if there are any HIV-positive support groups where you live. Speaking to someone else who is HIV-positive can make a big difference.

  4. Suresh

    Hello, I am a 29 years old guy. I used to donate blood – more than 10 times – and last year i donated blood in Nov’07. This year I went to donate again which is last week (Apr 08), they stopped me saying I cannot donate since they have found that I am HIV+.

    They gave me a letter to go to hospital for counselling. I went and they did counselling and took my blood to do one more test. I can only get the result next month. I am really worried and can’t even sleep at night. Can i have some advice from you?


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