Q and A


Can I take Atripla with painkillers like tramadol for my period cramps?


Thank you for your question.

This interaction has not yet been researched but because of the way that tramadol and efavirenz (one of the drugs in the Atripla) work there is a potential for an interaction.

You need to speak to your HIV doctor about this and they can then either prescribe other painkillers or monitor you closely when you take them in case you need a slightly different dose to allow for this interaction.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nomasonto, what ARVs are you taking?

  2. Nomasonto

    I am hiv positive would like to know if it’s safe to take tramadol with ARVs

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembi,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  4. Thembi

    Is it safe to take tramadol while taking ARVs

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Elia,
    Other names for Avonza are Tenarenz, Telura and Eflaten, you can read about side effects here. But do you mean that nerve pain is getting more severe? A kind of nerve pain (called peripheral neuropathy or PN) is not linked to modern combinations. You can read more about PN in this guide to side effects and quality of life. There are treatments with painkillers that are listed on this link. Are these the meds you are taking 200mg of? If so, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about all the treatments listed here, including the alternative treatments that include vitamins and minerals. But check with your doctor that these don’t interact with your Avonza.

  6. Elia

    I take avonza( combination of lamivudine, tenofovir and efavirenz) one tablet per day. However the nerve is getting more severe and I am forced to take at least 200mg to get little relief

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Elly,

    What ARVs are you using? How much tramadol do you take daily?

  8. Elly

    I am HIV positive and have serious nerve pain. Peripheral neouropathy. I use tramadol 50mg to manage pain. Are there possible negative effects

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joe,

    What meds are you taking? How much tramadol are you using on a daily basis?

  10. joe

    i am HIV positive and i love taking Tramadol will it be harmful to my body? because am on treatment pls ans me.


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