Q and A


Can ARV treatment cause aching feet?


Yes, a side effect called peripheral neuropathy can cause aching feet, numbness and also pain.

Please see this link for more details.

It is caused mainly by two drugs:

  • d4t (stavudine)
  • ddI (didanosine)

If you are taking either of these drugs, speak to your doctor about changing them for alternatives. Do not stop the drugs though until you speak to your doctor.

Sometimes a lower dose of d4T can be used, but it is better to change to a completely different drug.


  1. Victor

    I’m on ARV treatment and experience severe pain in my feet. What are the cause?

  2. Victor

    I’m on several treatment and experience severe pain in my feet. What are the cause?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Mary, with any pain you have to talk to your doctor. This is important. It is especially important for severe pain. Tell you doctor exactly how bad this is and ask for the cause.

  4. mary

    Severe pain in my feet. am on ART

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Sindiso

    As with any symptom, please talk to your doctor.

    Do your HIV meds include a drug called stavudine?

    If yes, then this might be a side effect and it would be important to change to a new drug or combination.

    If you are not using stavudine, your doctor might look for other causes.

  6. Sindiso

    I have been on arvs for 9 years but of late am feeling numbness on the ankles and pain on the neck. Is it possible that that it could be medication giving side effects?

  7. Robin Jakob


    You can read the answer to the question above for more information.

  8. brenda

    I have been experiencing aching feet especially at bed time.

  9. Simon Collins


    Your mother’s doctor needs to know about any pain or symptoms that your mother has.

    i-Base are not doctors and we cannot diagnose symptoms.

    However, if you mother’s HV treatment includes a drug called stavudine (also called d4T) this may be a reason for the doctor to change to alternatives. This is because stavudine can cause neuropathy which can be a side effect of this drug.

  10. patricia

    my mother she’s been taking the treatment for a while her cd4 count now is 500 and she’s having pains on her feet and says they are cold


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