Q and A


Am I heading for treatment soon?

My latest lab results concern me. I have had 3 sets of results they are as follows:
Sept 07 (CD4 696, 27%, V/L 169,000)
Dec 07 (CD4 856, 29%, V/L 42,700)
Apr 08 (CD4 753, 24%, V/L 62,663)
I am worried that my CD4% has dropped 5% since Dec when I understand this is the most stable figure over time. To me 5% is a big drop. My CD4 count is still quite high but is contradicted by the low percentage – doesn’t this mean that my true CD4 figure is much lower, how low? Do you think I’m heading for treatment soon?
Thank you.


Indeed, according to some more traditional doctors, the CD4% is


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